Signal Peak Press

 Publishers of Fine Books 



The Military Jeep


The Military Jeep: A Symbol of Unity and Exploration Without Boundaries

By Jay Fraser
Trade Softcover, 176 pages
Includes 118 full-color photos on glossy, high quality paper, perfect bound
8 X 11 Coffee Table Softcover
Signal Peak Press
ISBN: 978-1-879915-06-0

About Signal Peak Press

Signal Peak Press is a trade hardcover and softcover book publisher offering books through two imprints, Affiliated Writers of America and Signal Peak Press since 1988. Both fiction and nonfiction titles have been offered on Arizona mining history, history of the American West, Native American novels, Cuba, Africa, Russia, the War on Terror, and most recently, military jeeps.

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About Affiliated Writers of America

 Affiliated Writers of America since 1988, has published both fiction and nonfiction titles on Arizona mining history, history of the American West, Native American novels, Cuba, Africa, Russia, and the War on Terror.

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Signal Peak Press is Pleased to offer our newest book.  The Military Jeep – A symbol of Unity and Exploration Without Boundaries  by Jay Fraser.  Preorders are available now. 


Signal Peak Press 
11555 East Cholla Tree Lane
Kingman, AZ 86401


(520) 709-6658

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